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これまでの光学式ナビゲーションにあった骨形態・アライメ ント・軟部組織バランスを可視化する技術を進化させ、手術計画通りの骨切除をサポートする技術が加えられた手術支援ロボットです。 術前の画像準備が不要なイメージフリー方式を採用し、画像準備の時間及びコストの削減が可能となります。


販売名:CORI サージカルシステム
販売名:CORI 手術器械



1. Smith+Nephew 2019. Internal report. TR1521.

2. Smith+Nephew 2020. Internal report. TR1700 REVA.

3. Gregori A, et al. International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) 15th Annual Meeting;2015; Vancover, Canada.

4. Gregori A, et al. Handheld Precision Sculpting Tool for Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty. A Clinical Review. Poster presented at: 15th EFORT Congress;4-6 June, 2014; London, UK.

5. Bollars P, et al. The Learning Curve and Alignment Assessment of an Image-Free Handheld Robot in TKA: The First Patient Series in Europe. Poster presented at: 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery 2019; New York, USA.

6. Kopjar B, et al. NAVIO Robotic Assisted Surgical System for Total Knee Arthroplasty Using JOURNEY II Guided-Motion Total Knee System. Poster presented at: ISTA 2-5 October, 2019; Toronto, Canada.

7. Geller JA, et al. Rate of learning curve and alignment accuracy of an image-free handheld robot for total Knee Arthroplasty. European Knee Society Arthroplasty Conference; 2019; Valencia, Spain.

8. Mitra R, Jaramaz B, Nikou C, Kung C. Accuracy Assessment of a Novel Image-Free Handheld Robot for Knee Arthroplasty in Bi-Cruciate retaining knee and total knee replacement - A Cadaveric Study. World Arthroplasty Congress; 2018; Rome, Italy.

9. Kaper BP, Villa A. Accuracy and Precision of a Handheld Robotic-guided Distal Femoral Osteotomy in Robotic-assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty. European Knee Society Arthroplasty Conference; 2019; Valencia, Spain.

10. Smith+Nephew 2020. Internal report. ER0488 Rev. B.

