
Una medicazione adattabile

Per offrire versatilità nella pratica quotidiana, le medicazioni in schiuma devono:

  • Garantire elevati livelli di assorbenza per una gestione efficace dell’essudato8
  • Essere confortevoli durante l’uso e ridurre al minimo il dolore durante la rimozione8
  • Adattarsi alle esigenze cliniche, conformarsi ai contorni del corpo e rimanere in posizione5

Le medicazioni ALLEVYN GENTLE BORDER possono aiutare a gestire in modo efficace ed efficiente le ferite. L’esperienza ha dimostrato che contribuiscono a ridurre al minimo i cambi di medicazione (due volte alla settimana), con un tempo medio di utilizzo di 3,6 giorni.2,4

Product feature

Customer information

*Fino a 5 giorni di utilizzo nell’area del sacro.

**Il taglio della medicazione ne compromette le proprietà antibatteriche. Utilizzare sempre una tecnica asettica. Verificare che tutte le aree in schiuma esposte siano coperte da una medicazione in film appropriata, accertandosi di non coprire l’intera medicazione.

  1. Hampton S.An evaluation of a silicone adhesive shaped heel dressing. Br J Nurs. 2010;19(6):S30-33.
  2. Hurd T, et al. A multi-centre in-market evaluation of ALLEVYN Gentle Border. Wounds UK. 2009;5(3):32-44.
  3. Rafter L, Reynolds T, Rafter M.An audit of patient outcomes in the management of skin tears using silicone dressings. Wounds UK. 2016;12(2):70-78.
  4. Vowden K, Harding K, Moiemen N, Drysdale K, Mistry C. An open, prospective randomised, multi-centre clinical evaluation of a hydrocellular silicone foam dressing in the management of exuding chronic and acute wounds. Paper presented at: EWMA; 2011; Brussels.
  5. Smith & Nephew 2016.ALLEVYN Gentle Border Heel Gen 2 - physical evaluation. Internal Report. DS/16/465/R.
  6. Smith & Nephew 2017.ALLEVYN Gentle Border Gen 2 - Physical Evaluation. Internal Report. DS/16/424/R V3.
  7. Smith & Nephew 2019. Use of Moisture Vapour Permeability (MVP) and Moisture Vapour Transmission Rate (MVTR) data to support product claims referring to moist wound healing. Internal report. EO.AWM.PCSgen.001.v2
  8. ALLEVYN product perception, qualitative research presentation, Kantar Health, Sep 2017.
  9. Smith & Nephew 2007. Bacterial Barrier Testing (wet-wet) on samples of ALLEVYN Gentle, ALLEVYN Gentle Border and competitor dressings with a 7 day test duration against S. marcescens. Internal Report. 0712089.
  10. Smith & Nephew 2017. An open, prospective, randomised, comparative volunteer trial to compare the performance of silicone adhesive dressings. Internal Report. GMCA-DOF-10.
  11. Smith & Nephew 2017. An open, prospective, randomised, comparative study to compare the performance of ALLEVYN Gentle Border Multisite with an alternative silicone adhesive dressing. Internal Report. GMCA-DOF-09.
  12. Smith & Nephew 2017. ALLEVYN Gentle Border wound model - 10 x 10. Internal Report. DS/17/491/R
  13. Grothier L.Gentle foam dressings: interim results of an evaluation of the Allevyn range. British journal of nursing 2009;18(11):S12, S14, S16 passim.
  14. Callaghan R, Chadwick P, Mahoney K, Stephen-Haynes J.Case series evaluation: The use of Allevyn gentle border multisite on chronic wounds. Wounds UK. 2012;8(4):110-118.
  15. Smith & Nephew 2015. Cutting of ALLEVYN variants. Internal Report. DS/14/318/R.

