
Proven results with COBLATION Technology3-5

Designed to allow minimally invasive hypertrophic turbinate procedures to be performed efficiently in the operating room or outpatient clinic settings.2

COBLATION Technology involves the creation and application of a high-energy field called 'glow discharge plasma'. This plasma ablates tissue through a chemical process as highly energised particles in the plasma break down molecules in the tissue.

Características del producto

Medical Education

Información adicional

*As demonstrated in benchtop testing.

**Compared to the REFLEX ULTRA PTR Turbinate Reduction Wand.


1. Arthrocare Inc. Internal report. P/N 860299 Rev.A.

2. Bäck LJ, et al. Laryngoscope. 2002 Oct;112(10):1806-12.

3. Farmer SEJ, et al. J Laryngol Otol. 2009;123:309–314.

4. Shah AN, et al. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2015;124:691–697.

5. Roje Z, et al. Collegium Antropologicum. 2011;35:143–146.

