
Takes the pressure off

ALLEVYN LIFE Dressings are available in multiple shapes and sizes, including options designed specifically to address the two sites at highest risk of developing pressure injuries – the sacrum and the heel.3

Product feature

Customer information

*Compared to standard care alone; p=0.001.

**As demonstrated in laboratory testing; p<0.001; compared to Mepilex™ Border and OptifoamTM Gentle; average and peak pressure forces.

  1. Forni C, et al. Int Wound J. 2018; 15(3):383-390.
  2. Forni C, et al. J Wound Care. 2020;29(2):120 - 127.
  3. Bauer K, et al. Ostomy wound management. 2016;62(11):30-38.
  4. Smith+Nephew 2016. Internal report. DS/14/303/R.
  5. . Smith+Nephew 2016. Internal report. (HVT080) GMCA-DOF/08.
  6. Lisco C. Paper presented at: WOCN; 2013.
  7. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal report. DS/18/351/R.
  8. Rossington A, et al. Wounds UK. 2013;9(4):91 - 95.
  9. Stephen-Haynes J, et al. Journal of Community Nursing. 2013;27(5):50 - 59.
  10. Clarke R. Paper presented at CAET, 2013.

