Discover who we are​

Do you want to know more about the company behind the logo? Watch the video for a brief introduction to our heritage, our story and our commitment to helping people live a Life Unlimited.​

Over a century of excellence​

Our own proud heritage dates back to humble beginnings in 1856, when Thomas James Smith opened a chemist shop in Hull. After almost 170 years of progress in medical technology, we’re one of the world’s leading providers of advanced solutions for joint repair and reconstruction.​

Just as Wimbledon stands out with its grass courts, white player attire and renowned etiquette, it’s our leadership in surgical technology (or sports medicine) that makes us stand out.​

wimbledon_Wingfield_TJ Smith_green.png

Dedicated to athletes’ wellbeing

Not every tennis player will reach the elite stage of Wimbledon, but the love of sport – any sport – is for everyone. Unfortunately, anyone can suffer an injury that can cause a sudden, unwanted break in play.​

Our aim is to push the boundaries of surgical technology; providing surgeons with solutions to help athletes of all ages, backgrounds and abilities ace their return after a sporting injury.​


Driven by thoughtful innovation​

Think how Wimbledon has gradually evolved over the years - from the introduction of Hawk-eye to the roof on centre court. Always making improvements, but never losing its purpose. ​

Similarly, our approach to surgical technology keeps us proudly, thoughtfully ahead of the game.​

This all points to helping patients get back to what they love…and living a Life Unlimited.​

Defining, inseparable and iconic.

We are to sports surgery technology what Wimbledon is to strawberries and cream.


Our history

Gaining a reputation for being the best is not easy. It requires determination, progress and a thirst for greatness at every step. See how our stories have developed over more than a century.1

The people we serve​

When anyone suffers a physical injury, it can prevent us from doing the things we love. Our aim, and the aim of our technology, is to is to help take the limits of living and help patients get back to living a Life Unlimited.​

Repairing rotator cuff tears in the shoulder​

Any person (not just athletes) can suffer a rotator cuff injury. When those injuries require surgery, we help surgeons get their patients back to the lives they love as quickly as possible…and to help more repairs stay repaired.**5​


Backed by 10 years of trusted clinical evidence​

Like Wimbledon, we believe a track record of success should be etched into the history books at every step. That’s why the performance of our REGENETEN Implant technology is backed by a decade of clinical evidence.

What is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons around the shoulder that help keep the bone in the socket. Unfortunately, the rotator cuff can tear (either due to sudden movement/stretching or over time due to repetitive activities).

How would a rotator cuff tear affect my shoulder?​

Rotator cuff tears can be very painful, especially when carrying out certain activities (like lifting the arm above the head), and can make the shoulder feel like it’s grinding, popping or cracking. If left untreated, tears can get worse.​

How has Smith+Nephew changed the game in rotator cuff repair?​

When surgeons use our REGENETEN Bioinductive Implant, it is laid over the rotator cuff tear to help the body grow a new layer of tissue like the rotator cuff.6-9 Even after surgery, repaired rotator cuffs can tear again…but a study showed that repairs with a REGENETEN Implant are three times more likely to stay repaired.**5

Restoring the knee - a 30-year legacy of saving the meniscus

Back in the mid-1990s, if someone suffered a meniscal tear it would have probably been removed (in a procedure called meniscectomy). 30 years ago, we recognised that removing the meniscus can have serious consequences…so we set out to offer a different path and give surgeons the advantage in saving the meniscus.

What is a meniscus?

The meniscus is a c-shaped pad of cartilage that sits in the knee joint and provides a smooth surface on which the shin and thigh bones can glide. Each knee joint has two menisci and they act as a shock absorber. Think of a shock absorber in your car…now imagine what would happen if you took it out. ​

How would I know if I tore my meniscus?​

There are many different types of meniscus tears, and the symptoms for each patient can be different. Often with pain and discomfort, the knee can feel stiff or ‘locked’ when moving or straightening the leg (and particularly when twisting the knee).​

How has S+N led the way for more than a quarter of a century?​

Removing the meniscus can increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis and the odds of having knee replacement surgery in later life.10,11 We’ve dedicated our legacy to reducing those risks wherever possible with repair technology such as FAST-FIX Meniscal Repair Systems, shown to have a high rate of repair success 10 years after surgery.12

We understand the value of being a trailblazer; a pioneer; a leader. In the ultimate tiebreaker of meniscal repair versus meniscectomy, we are the champions of saving the meniscus.​

Which knee injuries from tennis do you see most often in your practice?​

Hear expert knee surgeons explain the most common knee injuries incurred from playing tennis, the impact on their patients and how they managed these injuries.​

What is your top tip for avoiding such injuries?​

Hear top tips on preventing sports injuries, particularly the importance of conditioning, warm-up routines and listening to your body to stay on top of your game.​

Careers at Smith+Nephew

165 years of pioneering innovation requires a relentless focus on what’s next.​

We’re focused on you. You’re what’s next.

EVP Diversity.4


*Compared to our predicate device.

**Compared to standard repairs alone in full-thickness tear repair at 12 months; n=122. Re-tear rate - 8.3% vs 25.8% RR=0.32; [95% CI: 0.13-0.83]; p=0.0106.

Additional images: Creative Commons,​

Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Smith+Nephew representative or distributor if you have questions about the availability of Smith+Nephew products in your area. For detailed product information, including indications for use, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please consult the product’s applicable Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to use.​


1.Wimbledon history drawn from the official website: Available here: Accessed June, 2024. Additional images: Creative Commons,​

2.Smith+Nephew 2021. Internal report. 15010267 Rev A.​

3.Smith+Nephew 2021. Internal report. 15010267 Rev A attachment B.​

4.Smith+Nephew 2021. Internal memo. FAST-FIX FLEX- Surgeon Surveys.​

5.Ruiz Ibán MÁ et al. Arthroscopy. 2023 Dec 28:S0749-8063(23)01018-6. Epub ahead of print.​

6.Bokor DJ, et al. Muscles, Ligaments Tendons J 2016;6(1):16-25. ​

7.Arnoczky SP, et al. Arthroscopy. 2017;33(2):278-283.​

8.Schlegel TF, et al. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 27(2):242-251.​

9.Van Kampen C, et al. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2013;3(3):229-235. ​

10. Papalia R, et al. British Medical Bulletin, 2011:99; 89-106. ​

11. Pengas, IP, et al. JBJS.2012; 94-B: 1649-54. ​

12.Wright RW, et al. JBJS. 2023;105:908–914.

