
Powerful results in complex wounds

Featuring a proprietary AIRLOCK Technology dressing with Soft Port and integrated filter, PICO 14 sNPWT is indicated for:

  • Large wounds - shown to help the contraction of large wounds,** such as pressure ulcers (PUs), venous leg ulcers (VLUs) and diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), while helping to stimulate the formation of granulation tissue3-10
  • Surgical incisions - shown to reduce lateral tension***11 and may help to reduce oedema12-14 - while promoting lymphatic drainage****15 - with a gentle silicone helping to minimise trauma and pain in the peri-wound area on dressing removal.6-18


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*Verglichen mit dem PICO 7 System.

**Wunden mit einer Tiefe von mehr als 2 cm benötigen neben der PICO sNPWT einen Wundfüller. Die Anwendungsdauer und Intervention durch den Anwender wird mit früheren Versionen verglichen.

***Wie in biomechanischen Modellversuchen nachgewiesen.

****Wie in vivo nachgewiesen.

*****Wie in Labortests nachgewiesen.

  1. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. RD/18/132.
  2. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal report EO AWM. PCS230.001 v2.
  3. Smith+Nephew 2019. Internal report. RD/19/084.
  4. Kirsner R, et al. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2019;27(5):519 - 529.
  5. Hurd T, et al. Paper presented at: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care/Wound Healing Society Meeting; 2020; Abu Dhabi.
  6. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. EO.AWM.PCS230.001.v2.
  7. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. RD/18/089 V2.
  8. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. RD/18/132.
  9. Brownhill VR, et al. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2020;0(0):1 - 12.
  10. Schwartz JA, et al. J Wound Care. 2015;24(2).
  11. Loveluck J, et al. ePlasty. 2016;16:183-195.
  12. Birke-Sorensen H, et al. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2011;64 Suppl:S1-16.
  13. Kamolz LP, et al. Burns. 2004;30(3):253-258.
  14. Molnar JA, et al. J Burns Wounds. 2005;4:83-92.
  15. Kilpadi DV, et al. Wound Repair Regen. 2011;19(5):588-596.
  16. Payne C, et al. ePlasty. 2014:152-166.
  17. Stryja J, et al. Prolekare. 2015;94(8):322 - 328.
  18. Smith+Nephew 2015. Internal Report. ST865 CT09/02.
  19. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. RD/18/131.
  20. Gilchrist B, et al. Paper presented at: SAWC; 2020; Virtual.
  21. Smith+Nephew 2020. Internal Report. 2001002.
  22. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. DS.18.066.R.
  23. Sharpe A, et al. Wounds UK. 2018;14:89-93.
  24. Myers D, et al. Paper presented at: EWMA; 2018; Krakow.
  25. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. RD/18/136.
  26. Casey C. Paper presented at: EWMA; 2019; Gothenburg, Sweden.
  27. Karlakki SL, et al. Bone Joint Res. 2016;5(8):328-337.
  28. Dingemans SA, et al. Int Orthop. 2018;42(4):747-753.
  29. Clark JM, et al. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;48(1):21.
  30. Ma Z, Shou K, Li Z, et al. Negative pressure wound therapy promotes vessel destabilization and maturation at various stages of wound healing and thus influences wound prognosis. Exp Ther Med. 2016;11(4):1307-1317.
  31. Xia CY, Yu AX, Qi B, et al. Analysis of blood flow and local expression of angiogenesis associated growth factors in infected wounds treated with negative pressure wound therapy. Mol Med Rep. 2014;9(5):1749-1754.

